31 January 2009


Local guys really need to brush up their communication skills. Got to know this guy. We hardly knew each other and he was asking personal things at the second sms. Best part. All communications were done via sms. =_= I was totally irked by the questions. And not forgeting that he was the one who suggested meeting me this weekend but made it sounded like my fault for "rushing" to meet him when I suggested next week instead. Wow, that was really "gentlemanly" of him. Stupid man! =_=" And when I totally ignored his sms after the last one last night, he had the cheek to beg for another chance and hope that no bad feelings were created. Damn. Have never met such a "gentlemanly" guy in my life so far. Anyway, he is off my list for a long long time.

1 comment:

yy-anon said...

oh no. that's totally lame. =(

dun let this spoil cny tho. still got one week left! :P karaoke anyone???