03 January 2009


In case you are wondering why I have not been blogging. One word summed it all.


And darn super busy. Ok, if I look upon it as a little sacrifice for the greater good, I think it's worth it. You know what is the best part? I will get to see the impact of my little sacrifice when the media reports the news that the big guy is going to make next week. ^_^

And I hope I get to attend the event when he makes the announcement. Afterall, it is just across the street.


When I thought that I am long out from the fresh-out-of-school scene, I received an email asking me to do a national survey on employment for graduates. The interesting part was that it was sent (although most probably sent out by the system) by a Director who is one of the members of my organisation's board. Felt a little weird while doing the survey. But then, it was also a good stocktake of when I am heading.

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