16 August 2009

Opportunities - Grabbed and Missed

"There are opportunities in life that if you missed them, they will never come back into your life again. On the other hand, it is not that easy to grab the opportunity in the first instance."

My current FB's comments.

Someone was asking if I was talking about a guy here.

Maybe yes, maybe no. Only I will know and I choose not to make known the answer.

Back to my FB's comments. This is a thought that has been bothering me lately. I am not sure if it was a result of self-reflection. It just comes out of nowhere and becomes quite entrenched in the mind. An opportunity is an opportunity to one who wishes to see it that way. It is a crisis if one sees nothing but darkness.

I am not sure how many opportunities I have missed. Provided that they have either entered into my life or I am so blind to not see them. The interesting thing is that opportunities often crossed your path when you least expect them. To grab them, you need to keep your eyes open and radar on high alert.

There are some opportunities I have grabbed and some I have missed. For those I have grabbed, it was not an easy feat. For those I have missed, there are some I felt regretful even today. They could be another opportunity or a liability. I will never know.

The only thing I could do is to continue keeping my eyes open and radar on high alert.

1 comment:

Tigeroo said...

Welcome back!

Missed oppotunities or not, we have hope that there will always be new and better ones. Set your sights forward and expect great things pal!