16 February 2009

It is the Time of the Year

Another year. Another move. Up the age ladder.

Time really flies (and I mean really FLIES) when you hit the big 3-0.

It seems like it is just yesterday. Fresh out from school. Innocent. Pure at heart.

Ok, I take back the last one. Not so pure at heart after years of cube farming. Weeds start to grow in all places and they are hard to eradicate now. Though I do hope roses start to grow this year. Anyway, I doubt it is happening soon.

I dare not think how time is going to accelerate now. 24 hours hardly seems enough these days. Before you know it, the weekend is here and soon it is gone. I missed the good old days. Those carefree days.

I wonder if my wish would come true this year. Year after year, it is the same old wish. I think the folks up there already know by now and need no reminder from me.

Yes, I wish roses will grow this year.

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