02 February 2009


It is amazing that I seem to know operational things better than folks dealing with the operational things. Most stuff just require logical thinking. Although it helps to stay in touch with what is happening within the organisation and discussions at management meetings. Even if one does not attend the meetings frequently, the minutes are in public domain for all to see and people openly admit that they do not read them. Preferring to ask the source which only refers them to read the minutes. I admit. I am the source that likes to refer people to read the minutes. Afterall, they are there for a purpose.

It is amazing that policy papers have been written to the most layman's standard and people still do not comprehend. I often wonder why. There is no other way to make it more layman. Plus, each paper is only about 3 pages long at maximum. It is really very concise and straight to the point. No grandmother story. But I still ended up explaining a 3-page long policy paper to people on the phone that last at least half an hour each time. I seriously need a caller id.

It is amazing that someone can dominate a meeting and talks only her issues and problems and other people's issues and problems are not as crucial as hers. At times, I wonder if she did it on purpose or she is just like that. After listening to the issues and problems that she loves highlighting to everyone, it only makes us more confused. Clarifications with her staff often clears the air and you suddenly realised that they are non-starter in the first place. I love it when #1 said it to her face, "Ok, noted your points. Anyway, they are non-issues." And shucks, I couldn't see her expression as I was sitting behind her.

It is amazing to write a policy paper that should include many flexibilities. Flexibilities such as we reserve the right to deviate from the approved framework, to exclude XX, YY, ZZ from the approved framework, to include XX, YY, ZZ back into the approved framework when more details are worked out. The requester seriously need a lesson on policy writing. Too many flexibilities in a policy paper bring everyone back to square one. A situation without a policy and then we will crack out heads to come up with a policy so that everyone is on the same page and the same requests for flexibilities and the cycle continues. It really is amazing.

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