09 December 2008

Sprained Ankle

Sometimes, I really don't know what to say about myself.

I never know that I am so prone to accidents. Not the major types. The minor ones.

As one friend aptly put it.

" You walk on a pavement and a pot of plant dropped from the window on the upper floors. Landed just behind you. Nothing happens to you.

You cross a road and a car zoomed past behind you. Knocked the car in front. Nothing happens to you.

You walk down a flight of stairs and one of your high heels gave way. Opps, a twisted ankle. Ouch! "

Yes, that is me.

I swore I really didn't know how on world did I sprain my ankle while jogging on the treadmill yesterday in the gym.

Anyway, it is a sprained ankle on the right. The last sprain was on the left.

So, there. It is now balanced. One on the right and the other on the left.

Darn. =_="

1 comment:

usboys said...

Poor thing.. Looks like I found company. I'm quite a accidental klutz. Fell a couple of times while walking my dogs. And yesterday I tripped over a raised landing leading to an entrance to Shaw Tower, narrowly missing the automated glass doors that opened towards me as I fell. So was lucky to just grazed my left knee (even though i wear jeans) instead of a head concussion. :p