16 November 2008

Busy ... Busy ...

Contrary to most beliefs, life in new workplace is not as dull as one thinks it to be. When it is supposed to be lull period for most, we are gearing towards the peak. Every other hour, we are either at meetings working out details or preparing materials for a big announcement.

Talking about the big announcement, it was initially intended to be kept at our level but due to the prospects of getting brownie points, some big guys decided that they want to join in the fun. One by one. Lucky for us, we do not need to worry about the co-ordination work as it is being managed at the parent end. Imagine trying to secure the big guys' common timeslot within a span of less than a week and preparing the necessary background brief and talking points to those who are unfamilar with the whatever-thing-that-will-be-announced (WTTWBA). Ya, enough to keep one busy and not forgeting the amount of hair loss. =_=

Anyway. We have enough on our plate. Fleshing out the meat for the WTTWBA is enough to frustrate us. Especially, when the frontline Divisions are still trying their luck to push for things outside the purview of the WTTWBA.

In case you are wondering. I am not complaining. It has been a while to be busy for a meaningful purpose. And I am enjoying every moment. Even when I was suddenly tasked to present the WTTWBA to an audience size of 60 per briefing session this coming Tues and Wed.

Well, wish me luck. ^_^


yy-anon said...

hey sounds like u've hit a right place to work in. keep going! =)

Just Me said...

Thanks. It's always good to try new things for a change. Keeps mind active and skills relevant.